A layer comprises two pieces of information:
Name, e.g. to exclude anything on the ARCHICAD layer:
element.layer.name <> “ARCHICAD Layer”
Visibility, e.g. to take a measurement only when the layer is visible:
Using element.layer in an expression without specifying name or isVisible is not meaningful.
Only the home storey of an element can be used in an expression, yielding three pieces of information:
Name, e.g. measuring only items on the Ground floor:
element.storey.name startsWith “Ground”
Level, i.e. the base level of the element’s home storey. This could be used for a rule or a calculation, e.g. measuring the difference between the element top level and its home storey base level:
element.level + element.height – element.storey.level
Height, i.e. the height of this storey (as specified in ARCHICAD’s storey settings). A rule that excludes elements that protrude above their home storey (into the next storey) could be:
element.level + element.height < storey.level + storey.height
Using just element.storey in an expression without name etc. is not meaningful.
An element’s renovation status can be used in an expression with renovationStatus or phase, responding with one of the following values:
For example, a rule to measure only new building elements could be:
element.phase = “New”
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