While a silent install for the CI Tools is not possible through the CI Tools Installer app, there is a workable method of distributing the tools, and their updates, to multiple computers where installing and operating the CI Tools Installer is not possible.
If you would like to perform a silent/managed install for Archicad, please read the guide linked below:
Please see the instructions below for the steps required to install and then manually deploy the CI Tools.
1) Install the CI Tools add-ons on an unmanaged machine:
a) Close Archicad if it is open.
b) Run the Ci Tools Installer, and install all tools/updates to tools that should be accessible to the users.
c) Quit the installer.
d) Navigate to the Archicad Install folder, where ## stands for the Archicad version:
C:\Program Files\Graphisoft\ARCHICAD ##\
/Applications/Graphisoft/ARCHICAD ##/
e) Then copy the following files and subfolders, making note of the relative file path:
...\ARCHICAD ##\
copy the folder called \CI Tools Extras
...\ARCHICAD ##\Add-Ons\
copy the folder called \CI Tools
...\ARCHICAD ##\ARCHICAD Library ##\
copy the folder called \CI Tools Library ##
...\ARCHICAD ##\Defaults\ARCHICAD\WorkEnvironment\Profiles
copy the file called \Ci Tools Profile ##.xml
...\ARCHICAD ##\Defaults\ARCHICAD\WorkEnvironment\Tools
copy the file called \Ci Tools Toolbox ##.xml
2) Deploy the tools to the user’s machine(s):
Copy the CI Tools Extras
, CI Tools
and CI Library ##
folders and the two .xml
files, using your preferred method, to the appropriate directories on the user’s machines.
The CI Tools Library ##
folder where the CI Tools Library files are located, is contained in the Archicad Library ##
folder by default, and will be loaded automatically with the default Archicad Library.
The CI Tools
folder must always be copied into to the Add-Ons
folder inside the Archicad install directory, this is necessary for Archicad to detect the add-ons.
3) Upload/update the libraries on BIMcloud:
Since the CI Tools Libraries are installed inside the Archicad Library ##
folder by default, the most reliable method to install or update the CI Tools Libraries on the BIMcloud server is to replace the 'Archicad Library ##' library stored there with a local copy that has the updated Tools already installed. If you do not use BIMcloud you may skip this step.
a) Ask everyone to send and receive and 'leave the teamwork projects'.
This way you can make sure that this won’t affect anyone’s libraries.
b) Update the BIMcloud library from one of the local machines:
To replace the Library, open the File ➔ Libraries and Objects ➔ Manage BIMcloud Libraries… window.
From here, you can select and delete the ‘Archicad Library ##‘ library from the server.
Then, click the ‘Upload a local library…‘ button.
Then select the Archicad Library ##
folder from inside your Archicad install directory.
Once the library has uploaded, 'Reload & Apply' the libraries from the Library Manager.
See the link below for more information:
c) Ask all users to clear their Local Teamwork Data.
This way they will not have to reload the updated library for each project.
See the link below for more information:
Once this is done, the users can re-join their projects.
When updating a deployed Installation, or where there is an existing version of the CI Tools installed, it is strongly recommended to clear the Library Cache.
This can be done by deleting the following folder, where ## stands for the Archicad version and *** is the localisation code:
C:\Users\[username]\Appdata\Local\Graphisoft\ArchiCAD-64 Cache Folder\AC ##.0.0 *** v1
The AppData
folder is hidden by default. To show hidden files and folders please see the article at the link below:
Or simply copy and paste %appdata%\..\
into the address bar in File Explorer then hit 'Enter' on your keyboard.
~/Library/Caches/GRAPHISOFT/Archicad Cache Folder/AC ##.0.0 *** v1
The ~/Library
folder is hidden by default. To browse the ~/Library
- In Finder choose Go ➔ Go To Folder... from the top menu bar.
- Type "~/Library"
- Click 'GO' to navigate to the Library folder
You can also press opt⌥ from the 'Go To Folder' window to show ~/Library
on the list, or press cmd⌘ + shift⇧ + . (period) in Finder to show hidden folders.
As an example, to clear the library cache for the New Zealand version of Archicad 26, you would delete the folder:
%appdata%\..\Local\Graphisoft\ArchiCAD-64 Cache Folder\AC 26.0.0 NZE v1
...on windows, and:
Cache Folder/AC 26.0.0 NZE v1
...on a Mac.
If this deployment is for a classroom environment, students may be interested in our AEC Tip of the Day. The Tip of the Day can be saved as a favourite, or set as the home page.
The Tip of the Day can be set to open when starting Archicad. You can read more about it at the link below:
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