ARCHICAD already includes many features for listing and scheduling element quantities (and potentially cost). This software is not intended to replicate that functionality, although clearly there is some overlap.
The key differences are:
Managing measurement data interactively
The quality of the calculated bill is directly dependent on the data in the building model. A new palette assists with management of properties, classifications and recipes in elements relevant to the quantity calculation, highlighting differences in element selections and supporting easy editing and filtering. Refer to section 2.4, Managing Measured Properties for more information. -
Creating or importing a Bill of Quantity
Quantities provides tools to directly create and manage a Bill of Quantity. The bill can be very course, e.g. counting specific items and costing whole structures on an average basis, or it can be very detailed, e.g. breaking down walls into constituent ingredients such as materials and finishes. The bill may also include ancillary costs like labour or equipment hire. The bill can be embedded in the project, imported, or directly linked to an external source. Refer to section 3, Bill of Quantities for more information. -
Establishing a standard measurement process
The breakdown of an element into bill items and the standard methods of measurement can be captured in recipes and automatically applied on demand. The collection of recipes can be shared between projects and stored in templates. Refer to sections 4 to 4.4 (Defining Measurements) for more information. -
Linking building elements to bill items automatically
The rules for determining which bill items and calculations are applicable to each element can be captured in recipes for automatic, dynamic measurement. Refer to sections 4.6 (Optional Measurements) and 4.5 (Automatic Measurements) for more information. -
Calculating and exporting a bill of quantities
A bill can be populated with quantities from any part of the model on demand and exported in a variety of formats. Refer to section 5, Generating Quantities for more information. -
Auditing measurement data and cost
Confidence in the calculated schedule can be improved by auditing the results and source data. The software provides a range of tools to determine where specific quantities (and cost) originated, or checking for common errors such as unused bill items or unmeasured building elements. Refer to section 6, Auditing for more information. -
Round-trip bill management and calculation
Quantities is designed to support a workflow where the bill structure is managed externally, potentially including the final preparation of cost total and reporting, e.g. a 3rd party that maintains a bill structure and costing data. The external schedule can be linked to external data (for live updates) and quantities can be fed back to the originating system for reporting.
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