The Case Exception Manager collects words or abbreviations that should have a fixed case irrespective of the standard for the general text. The manager can be viewed by clicking the Edit button from the Case Conversion Options dialog, or by clicking the menu CI Tools > Annotate > Manage Case Exceptions…
The list of exceptions is project-specific, but can be exported for import into other projects. The manager dialog features include:
The exception list
The list is divided into 2 columns, both of which can be edited directly in the list:
Text The literal text, i.e. with the case as it should appear in the document.
Context The context in which this exception is relevant
For example, the abbreviation of millimetre to mm is usually lower case, but we don’t want to see any word containing double-m to be affected, e.g. “common” converted to “COmmON”. The unit would be expected to follow a number, e.g. 100mm, so the context should be set to “After number”. An entire word that should have a specific case, e.g. a proper noun, could have the context as “Entire word”. If a series of letters, symbols or even words should have have a specific case no matter where they occur, the context will be “Anywhere”. Note that “Anywhere” must be selected for any expression that contains non-alphanumeric characters such as “.” or “?”.
The buttons to the right provide additional functionality:
Insert Insert a new exception in the list
Delete Delete the selected exception(s) from the list
Import Import case exceptions from a file
Export Export the current list of case exceptions to a file
Case exception files have the .keycase extension.
Changes to the case exceptions are saved on clicking “Ok” or discarded with “Cancel”.
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