Keynotes Text Case Settings allow the users to set the case for the title and description of keynotes (as a preference) and to specify exceptions, e.g. all upper-case except for the letters ‘mm’ following a number (so dimensions come out as 100mm rather than 100MM).
You can set up these preferences using the menu item Cadimage > Keynotes > Text Case
It displays a preferences dialog when selected.
The Text case menu at the top determine the case to be applied to all the text. Options are:
- Original: the text is left as entered (no change of case)
- Sentence case: Every new sentence starts with an upper-case letter and the remainder is lower-case
- Title case: Every word starts with an upper case letter and the remainder is lower-case
- Upper-case: All upper-case
- Lower-case: All lower-case
The Apply special cases checkbox is ticked if the user wants to apply any of the special case defined in the list below.
The list at the bottom contains all text that may differ from the standard text case, e.g. showing the unit as ‘mm’ even when upper-case is applied or ’NZS’ when title-case is applied.
- The Expression in the first column is the text written in the case required by the user.
- The Position column restricts where occurrences of that text might appear. For example, we don’t want an exception like ‘mm’ to result in words like ‘COmmENT’, so we could state that it’s position should be ‘After number’.
The full range of options includes:
- Whole word: Only text fully bounded by white-space or punctuation characters will be targeted, e.g. ‘word’ in ‘a word example’
- Before number: Only text positioned before a number will be targeted, e.g. ’NZS’ in 'NZS3604’
- After number: Only text positioned after a number will be targeted, e.g. ‘mm’ in ‘100mm'
- Between number: Only text positioned between numbers will be targeted, e.g. ‘x’ in ‘100x50’
- Start of word: Only text positioned at the beginning of a whole word will be targeted, e.g. ‘GIB’ in ‘GIBboard’
- End of word: Only text positioned at the end of a whole word will be targeted, e.g. ‘Board’ in GIBBoard’
- Anywhere: This will replace matching text found anywhere, with no restriction
If an expression contains non-letter characters, e.g. punctuation, numbers etc, the position should always be set to Anywhere. The add-on will warn the user and switch to Anywhere automatically. This is because mixtures of numbers/letter/punctuation wouldn’t make sense in any of the other contexts.
When the preferences are changed, the palette contents will automatically refresh. An audit can then be used to apply the updated text to any placed labels. The change is not permanent in the database, so switching back to Original will see the original text restored. However, if you edit a title or description while a change of case is applied, anything you enter becomes permanent (i.e. the way it looks on the screen becomes the original).
Considerations for New Zealand users of Masterspec:
Masterspec keynotes will always remain unchanged within the database because you can’t edit them, however, the Preferences outlined above will still be applied.
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