When you create a Ci Tools door/window schedule, you can attach notes below each elevation on the schedule. These notes might include information about the type of glazing, frame, reveal, hardware, etc. used on the door or window.
You can also include autotexts to display data from the model. Just include the autotext as part of a schedule note, and attach that note to the elevated door/window in the schedule.
For example, if you want to display the clear glazed area, include the keyword <CLEARGLASSAREA> in a schedule note. The keyword will be replaced with the area text for any door or window to which the note is attached.
Available Autotexts
Autotext | Is Replaced With |
<DIRECTION> | Direction relative to project North |
<ZONE> | The number of the zone associated with the door/window |
<ZONENAME> | The name of the zone associated with the door/window |
Calculated Areas
Autotext | Is Replaced With |
<UVAL> | Thermal U value |
<UAVAL> | Thermal UA value |
<TOTALAREA> | Total area (including frame and panels) |
<DAYLIGHTAREA> | Daylight area (i.e. the area of glazing that transmits light - not necessarily clear glazing) |
<CLEARGLASSAREA> | Clear glazed area |
<VENTEDAREA> | Vented area |
Parameters for Listing
Autotext | Is Replaced With |
<LIST_OPERATION> | General - Operation type |
<LEAFWIDTHS> | General - Leaf widths |
<LIST_GLAZING> | General - Glazing |
<LIST_FINISH> | General - Finish |
<LIST_NOTE> | General - Note/remarks |
<LIST_MANU> | Source - Manufacturer |
<LIST_COST> | Source - Unit cost |
<LIST_LOCATION> | Location - Location |
<LIST_ELEV> | Location - Elevation |
<ZONE> | Location - Zone number |
<ZONENAME> | Location - Zone name |
<LIST_HARDWARE> | Fittings - Hardware set |
<LIST_LOCKSET> | Fittings - Lockset |
<LIST_HINGES> | Fittings - Hinges |
<LIST_ACCESS> | Fittings - Accessories |
<LIST_HEADDET> | Details - Header detail |
<LIST_JAMBDET> | Details - Jamb detail |
<LIST_SILLDET> | Details - Sill detail |
<LIST_FIRERATING> | Performance - Fire rating |
<LIST_ACOUSTICRATING> | Performance - Acoustic rating |
<LIST_HEATTRANS> | Performance - Heat transfer |
<LIST_GLASSAREA> | Performance - Total glass area |
<LIST_GLASSEDGE> | Performance - Total glas perimeter |
Some basic dimensions of the door/window are available as autotexts.
Autotext | Is Replaced With |
<UNITWIDTH> | Unit width |
<UNITHEIGHT> | Unit height |
<WALLHOLEWIDTH> | Wall hole width |
<WALLHOLEHEIGHT> | Wall hole height |
<REVEALWIDTH> | Reveal width |
<REVEALHEIGHT> | Reveal height |
<EGRESSWIDTH> | Egress width |
<EGRESSHEIGHT> | Egress height |
<WALLTHICK> | Thickness of the containing wall |
<SILLHEIGHT> | Sill height |
<FRAMEWIDTH> | Frame width |
<FRAMEDEPTH> | Frame depth |
Surfaces used in the model may be listed using autotexts.
Autotext | Is Replaced With |
<FRAME_MATERIAL> | All surfaces used by frame elements of the door/window. |
<REVEAL_MATERIAL> | The surface of the jamb liner (interior reveal). |
<TRIM_MATERIAL> | The surfaces of the exterior trim and the interior trim (architrave). |
<EXTERIOR_TRIM_MATERIAL> | The surface of the exterior trim. |
<INTERIOR_TRIM_MATERIAL> | The surface of the interior trim. |
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