With every installation of Cadimage Keynotes, we include a sample Keynotes database that can be used or customised to create your own structure and content. To use this sample database:
1. Go to Cadimage>Keynotes>Import Keynotes...
2. Import the Cadimage Keynotes.keynotes database from the following file location relevant to your operating system:
- Windows: Program Files> GRAPHISOFT> ARCHICAD 20> CadimageTools Extras
- Mac OSX: Applications> GRAPHISOFT> ARCHICAD 20> CadimageTools Extras
3. You should now see the following dialogue:
If you want to import the entire database you can click on Import All. However, you can select parts of the content by expanding the sections and select using standard Windows / MacOS commands (Shit+click or Ctrl+click / Cmd+click) but make sure you click the Import check box before clicking OK.
The sample database will be imported and available for you to use and customise.
Option two: Import a sample database from Excel or an external database
With every installation of Cadimage Keynotes, we include a sample .csv (comma separated values) database that can be used or customised to create your own structure and content. To use this sample database, use the same method outlined above. Extra information below.
2. Import the Cadimage Keynotes.csv database from one of the following locations on your computer (depending on your Operating System):
- Windows = Program Files> GRAPHISOFT> ARCHICAD 20> CadimageTools Extras
- Mac OSX = Applications> GRAPHISOFT> ARCHICAD 19> CadimageTools Extras
3. Click on the Files Type pull down (Windows) or Enable pull down (Mac OSX) (shown below):
TIP: You may notice .txt is a further format that is supported for importing database information.
4. Choose the .csv format
5. Select the Cadimage Keynotes.csv
6. Click Open
7. You should now see the dialogue below which allows you to configure the import of your data:
Please make sure the Data Application fields match the Column Name.
8. Click OK.
9. You should now see the dialogue below:
10.Select the Notes you would like to import and click OK.
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