One of Solibri's greatest features is the ability to check your Model based on predefined Rules. Whenever you open a Model in Solibri to check it, you need to choose your Role beforehand, this will provide you with a set of rules that are relevant to the activities you need to perform on the Model. If needed, you can also create your own set of rules.
The rules will work to analyse your BIM project concerning the predefined parameters. For example, there is a rule about the Wall Height, if any element does not fulfil my parameters, Solibri will mark it as a problem so you can check with the author of the model.
You can see below that the rule is on the right and the parameters of the rule are on the left:
1. Check your Model
To run a Model Checking, you need to find the Checking layout in Solibri and click on Check Model:
When the checking is done, you can identify the elements that present problems by expanding the rulesets and clicking on top of the rules. Once you select a rule that has a problem, you will find under "Results" the elements that need to be solved:
2. Accept or Reject Result
You may choose to accept the Result, which would apply in the situation where you don't consider the result an issue:
3. Document your Results:
The next step is to document all results, so you can create an Issue Report. Start by right-clicking on the result, adding a slide and filling the Issue Details:
Only the results with a "Slide" added to it will appear in your report. All results that have a Slide attached to it will have the following icon on the right side:
You can use the Markup Tool and Dimension Tool to add annotations to the views:
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